Saturday, May 30, 2009

I'm back!

Hi There! I'm back =D
Sure this blog misses a lot of things about OmniaHD but I'm back and I am going to update this blog again. Now let us see what we misses:

1. OmniaHD is OUT! Yey! it's been a while now, but still it not yet release world wide.
2. OmniaHD got it's first Firmware Update, wow Samsung that is fast!

3. Nokia's OVI store works with OmniaHD! now that is great news, but still not all applications there are working.

And now, since OmniaHD are now available in some countries, let us see what are some problems encountered by owners of the Samsung OmniaHD:

1. Bad Quality Audio in Camcorder, now this is an old news but still no update. Anyway here is a good news from Samsung:
"We are a small team trying to do a million things, including trying to ship the DevPack to enable developers to write apps for the i8910HD, writing and testing example apps, trying to get API documentation into good shape, writing and commissioning tech notes and tech papers, helping out as Symbian Foundation prepares to go live, trying to run our forum as well as the overall developer programme, supporting our Core members to ship cool apps, trying to support the organisation to improve the maturity with which it deploys open platforms in handsets - and escalating and trying to get resolution for the issues that get reported through this forum and others. Let me try to summarise this thread -

1. Some of you consider the i8910 broken because of its lack of support for AAC encoding in the Camcorder

2. Some of you find that problem annoying but not a showstopper because you value other features of the phone

3. Some of you have been starting to explore programming the audio and camera APIs

4. Some of you are so angry you can hardly control your anger

So what have we done?
- Escalated the AAC issue through the development team to understand the problem, through the engineering organisation to try to understand whether this is a defect or is by design, escalated through the management side to alert them to the need to plan for firmware updates, escalated through the management side to alert them to the damage this issue is causing

- Tried to answer your questions with as much information as we have, which sometimes is not very much at all

- Tried to hide our own frustration that our focus on developers is being diverted because of problems (like AAC and firmware update) that really don't have much to do with enabling you to write cool apps!
Right now, there is no more information I can give on if, how, or when this problem will be resolved. But we are not ignoring it. As soon as we have something helpful to tell you, we will post it! Ben."

See? They said that they are not going to ignore it, so let us wait and see.

2. Jar Application problems, If you encoutered a problem like your OmniaHD freezes when running Opera Mini, well your not alone. Well i can't really explain it since i have few knowledge about it, here I qouted something from Bec of Symbian-Freak forum:

" Java apps are run in a virtual machine wich has "heap" memory allocated by samsung. So it doesn't have direct acces to the huge amount of ram. "

Opera Mini is a Jar application, so you will encouter this problem, Instead of using the superb size of Ram of OmniaHD, it uses "heap" memory. Here I qouted another information from JonnyBruha of Symbian-Freak forum:

"So having twice as much memory compared to any other S60 device counts for nothing just because it's a different type of memory?"

Note form Bec: "by heap it just is a part of the ram memory. It's not a different memory. Samsung could fix it probably by just changing a simple value."

Don't worry guys, SIS files still works great here and let us hope that Samsung will fix it.

3. There is no FM Transmitter.

Well, that is all for now, I'll try too keep updating this blog so that you'll stay informed. I still don't have the phone but I will get it as soon as it will be available here in our country.


  1. That is a lot of info i'm happy that samsung is still keeping this phone in the agenda since most samsung phones are ade sold and replaced(no updates, no new applications etc)
    Glad you're back! :)
    I have a question though
    Does o2 change the firmware like orange(too much change and overwriting orginal firmware applications)

  2. I really hope they will keep updating it.
    anyway, Thanks!
    about your question, I really don't have an idea, well I hope not. I really don't like branded phones. XD
